Computer Virus Doctor
Specializing in removal of PC Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Malware, and Ransomware

LIMITED TIME SPECIAL $98 Flat Fee Virus Removal*
CALL NOW  818- 98-TOXIC   (818-988-6942)

or Email to schedule an appointment:

I'm the Computer Virus Doctor. I focus on Virus Cleanup and Protection to help users get back to work quickly through prompt, straightforward, professional support, without the hassle of having to wait days or weeks for an evaluation and repair at a big box computer store.

I'm based in the San Fernando Valley, so I cover Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Encino, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Chatsworth, Granada Hills, Northridge, Burbank, Toluca Lake and more.

Additional Services Offerred

Tune-Up & Maintenance
Just like cars, computers run at peak performance with a checkup and servicing.

Data Backup Solutions
Preserve and protect your most important information before the unexpected happens.

Wireless Networking
Setup safe and secure wireless connectivity to prevent hackers from accessing your data or financial information.

Computer Training
Tips and tricks to make your computer experience more efficient and enjoyable, tailored to your unique and individual needs, not a class full of students.

Data Recovery
After a computer crash, your files and photos may be recoverable.

New Computer Purchase Recommendations
Based on your requirements, I'll arm you with a list of what to get, what to avoid, and even accompany you to the store to help you evaluate different models.

Computer Set-Up and Data Transfer

Have your new machine properly initialized and configured with your printers, preferences and your important data files from your old computer.

*SPECIAL $98 Flat Fee Virus Removal:

•Virus Removal
   I'll use multiple scanners and cleaning tools to sweep your system and make sure it's clean.

•Ongoing Virus Protection
   When the virus has been removed, I'll install free virus protection software (or another
    virus protection of your choosing) to prevent new infections.

•My Promise
   I'll give you fair, timely service and straight answers.  

•This is a “per incident” per computer rate, and applies only to residential customers
   (businesses will be slightly more).
•Applies to all appointments run during normal business hours 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
•Excludes major holidays.

•Not covered: Data Backup, Data Recovery, Hardware Repair, Cleanup and Maintenance